Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Oprhan Train

Orphan Train: Author Visit 
Before I write about the author, I just want to say I personally, I really enjoyed this novel. While reading, I was able to read more pages than I was assigned to each night, so I ended up being ahead of the class. Something about the two story plot and the historical aspects made me hooked. I liked Vivian's chapters more than Molly's. Having the author come in and talk to us was a special bonus to a book I already enjoyed from the start. Her presentation surprised me, though, it surprised me and it ended up not being what I expected. I'll be honest, I actually didn't know what to expect of the visit. A part of me thought she would just talk about the book and the concept of the book, not her personal connection and influence for the book. Baker Kline started off talking about her three sons and how they are all red heads, which confused me. I didn't understand why she was talking about her family and not her best selling novel. The more she discussed her work and powerpoint, the more it made sense to me. I was now able to see how everything connected together and helped her process of writing.
As a reader, having an author come in helps you feel more connected. For me, at least, I now feel like I have a behind the scenes advantage that not all readers have. You are able to learn about the author's inspiration for the book and you hear the author's personal opinions and thoughts about the book. Christina Baker Kline was able to explain parts of her novel and make some parts more clear.
The author's visit was not what I expected it to be, which surprised me. But, I am glad we had the oppurtunity to hear her talk. It is a special advantage that not all schools that read this novel are given.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to agree with you about likeing Vivian's chapters better then Molly's. I felt like the only reason why the author included her was so Vivian can tell her story. Also, I think by looking at her sons and them being red heads helped her devolp her character because she later found out red heads were sometimes banned from going on orphan trains. and were less likely to get taken in if they did.
