Monday, June 15, 2015

Jane Austen Book Club movie

I was unfortunately not here to see the The Jane Austen Book Club movie completely, since I was sick. But, from the parts that I did see I can say I enjoyed the movie. I like how they had all different characters with different personalities. I also think that it is cool that each character in the movie reflects a Jane Austen book character. To be honest, I'm still interested in finishing the movie and might possibly finish it over the summer. I could not find a weakness in the parts that I saw, which is  a bonus and makes me more excited to finish.

An imitation of art in the real world today is the 1999 movie 10 Things I Hate About You. This movie is a modern version of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. This movie is about a female lead writing a poem and story about her bittersweet romance with the bad boy protagonist. This models art because Shakespeare's influence of wiring is clear in the writing of the main characters. This movie is able to explain the plot of The Taming of the Shrew to an audience that might not particular understand Shakespeare (like myself), which is also the case with a lot of the other examples of life imitating art. It offers the experience to a  broader audience and makes it easier to understand for others
I have seen 10 Things I Hate About You and have enjoyed it. Usually, I am not a fan of Shakespeare's writing, but this modern version was interesting and easier to follow. It does have a love story, so I would most likely recommended this movie to girls, but I'm sure anyone would enjoy watching and could possible benefit from it.

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