Monday, April 6, 2015

Independent Reading Book: Leaving Time

For my independent reading book, I read Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. This novel was recommend to me by my mother. During our family vacation for February break, my mother read this book and loved it. She thought that I would love it as well since elephants are my favorite animal and are also a key plot in the novel (this was before I knew it was also a mystery book). I agreed to read this book because I trust my mom's opinions since we have similar interests in reading.
Overall, I was pleased with this novel. It turned out to not be what I expected, which made it more interesting. Picoult was able to write this novel from the POV of a teenager and still have it make sense, which is definitely a strength. I would rate this novel a 8 out of 10 only because certain chapters throughout the novel were confusing and harder to read than others.
I would recommend this book to anyone who has any interest in mystery. I personally have always loved mystery which is why I enjoyed this novel so much.

Family Life by Akhi Sharma

Did I Like It? 
I'll be honest and say that I did not like this book. Not at all. When it comes to me and reading, if I like a book then I can read it in a few days without any problems. But, if I don't like a book, then it may take me a long time to finish it. Family Life for me was one of those books. From the start I knew that I wasn't going to enjoy it. It isn't my usual style of reading and I could not get into it. For a short novel, the chapters would drag on and the pages got longer and longer. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some people loved this novel; Sharma worked very hard on it and I'm not calling him a bad author. It just isn't what I usually read and it was out of my normal comfort zone.