Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Books of My Life

Favorite Book that Went to the Screen:
If I Stay by Gayle Forman.
I'm a sucker for a good love story. If a story has a classic (un-realistic) high school love story, I'm on board to read it. If I Stay is one of those books that I managed to read in one weekend, which I'll admit is pretty rare for me. The author eventually wrote a sequel to the book called Where She Went. When I found out that there was a second book, I made to order it and start reading it as soon as it arrived. I discovered that the second book does not live up to the one prior to it. To this day I still have not finished it. It has been sitting on my bed side table with my bookmark still in it. I found that this book dragged on a lot longer and was not as good as the first.  When If I Stay was made into a mivie, I made sure to buy myself a DVD and have a movie night. The producers did an amazing job of incorporating everything from the novel into the movie. I'm usually the type of person who likes the book more than the movie, but this one was a close tie.


Favorite Childhood Book(s): 
Junie B. Jones by Barbara Parks
The summer before I started 1st grade, my mom started reading the Junie B. Jones by Barbara Parks with me. We started reading these books together as my bed time story each night.  I was nervous about going to school for a full day and about not being with my mom. We hoped that reading the series would make me excited to go to school. Junie not only made school seem less scary, but also made me laugh for my first few years in elementary school, not just 1st. I had every book written and reading them before bed became a tradition between my mom and I.

Book That Made Me Cry:
The Fault in Our Stars
 The Fault in our Stars by John Green. This book not only about a love story between two teens, but also about dying. The way that the author styles his writing makes moments that aren't even supposed to be super sad turn into a waterworks show. There were moments when I had to put the book down and take a break from reading because the content was so intesne. I'm sure almost every teenager in high school either read this book or saw the movie (I personally saw it twice and cried both times). The connection that Hazel Grace had with Augustus Waters could make a reader of any age fall in love with the book.

Celeb or Historical Memoir I Admire:
The Diary of Anne Frank  
I am not usually one who likes reading memoirs because they usually bore me. I read The Diary of Anne Frank at some point as a school assignment. I always was interested in reading about historical topics and history was always my favorite subject in school. Anne Frank's diary not only interested me because it was during a different time in history, but it was also about a young girl similar in age to myself. I also liked that, since it was from the view of a child, it was easier to relate to. Some memoirs these days that are written by adults are harder to connect to due to the age difference. I didn't have any problems reading Anne Frank's and ended up watching the movie soon after. 

Favorite Book Read for School:
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer 
This novel is about the 1997 disaster that happened on Mount Everest. It's a personal story of the author's climb on the mountain and what happened to his teammates. I loved this book because it was a true story of Krakauer's experience and what he saw. I also enjoyed this book because the author included personal pictures that were taking while climbing. It was easy for me to get attached to the characters, it got to the point where when a teammate died, I found myself upset. I would totally recommend this book to anyone whose interested in mountain climbing ( I personally am not) or anyone looking for an addicting, true story. 

Top Book on my Must Read List:
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
My mom actually read this book during our vacation this past February. She recommended it to me because I have a love of elephants (elephants are a main part of the novel). I have never read a novel written by Picoult, but I've heard good reviews about her. I am beyond excited to start reading this book, and hopefully it reaches the expectations I have about it.